"My Sure Fire Guide To 6-figure check Affiliate Success"
Let me start with some straight-talking bare (and no-hype) facts. You won’t start pulling in those six-figure checks overnight. Secondly it will require some very hard work from you. Sorry, I know most folks don’t want to hear what I have just said. They prefer plain old lies and hype.
The fact is that I’m in this for the long haul with you. The arrangement here kind of favors you because the only way I’m going to make any serious money from this is if you are successful. So you can bet that I will try very hard to make sure you succeed. There I go being so brutally honest again. But I love it and I’d prefer that you leave now rather than later after I’ve already spent valuable time and cash on you.
Now the rosy part is that this is very much like putting up an apartment block. You’ll need to work very hard initially to put up the building, but when you’re done, you can relax for the rest of your life and the checks will keep on rolling in regularly with very little or no additional work on your part. That is exactly how affiliate programs work, there is something for you to build up initially, but you’ll be on a roll the moment it’s all done.
The other thing is that a six figure check is no pipe dream. If there are other people out there doing it, and they’re flesh and blood like you, surely you too can do it. And the odds are heavily stacked in your favor because you’ve subscribed to this newsletter which will keep you both inspired and instructed. And I’ll also give you a lot of help to succeed, stay with me and you’ll soon get a glimpse of just how valuable that help can be.
So let’s get on with it.
There are 7 Golden rules to affiliate-program-six-figure-check-success. 7 lousy, easy to follow and accomplish rules. We will deal with each one of them in great detail. One thing I promise you. If you stick to this 7 simple rules, you’ll be making money from this affiliate thing before you know it and a little further down the road, you’ll be pulling in those 6-figure monthly checks.
(For you to enjoy the full benefits here, you will need to be a subscriber to my affiliate insider secrets newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Join now by sending a blank email to Affiliate-insider-subscribe@yahoogroups.com)
Go To Rule Number One